报告人:Kartick Ghosh (TIFR)
时间:2025年2月28日 14:30-15:30
地点:Zoom会议号:824 8752 3190,密码:621724
Álvarez-Cónsul–Garcia-Fernandez–García-Prada introduced the Kähler-Yang-Mills equations. They also introduced the α-Futaki character, an analog of the Futaki character, as an obstruction to the existence of solutions of the Kähler-Yang-Mills equations. In this talk, we will prove a formula for the α-Futaki character for certain ample line bundles over toric manifolds. We will then compute the α-Futaki character in some cases and compare it with the known existence result of Keller–Tønnesen-Friedman.