6-3【杨同海】Gross and Zagier's work revisited



时间:2024年6月3日 15:00-17:15





摘要:In 80s, Gross and Zagier discovered and proved a deep and well-known formula between derivative of an L-function and the height of some `CM’ point on an elliptic curve---Gross-Zagier formula, which gives partial answer the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture. In the process, they also proved a beautiful factorization formula for the difference of CM values of the $j$-function. In addition, they also gave a conjecture about the algebraicity of the CM values of higher Green functions.  In this talk, we will look at the these work from different point of view (regularized theta lifting), and give a proof of their algebraicity conjecture if time permits. This talk is based on joint work with a few collaborators, including J. Bruinier, S. Kudla, Yingkun Li, Hongbo Yin, and Peng Yu among others.



摘要:The joint 3+1+1 program gives you a chance to learn more advanced mathematics and get BS degree at USTC and master degree at UW-Madison in 5 years. Our standard master program is two years without thesis requirement. I will give introduction to these two programs and the UW-Madison, and answer your questions. 


杨同海教授是国际知名数论学家,美国数学学会会士,威斯康星大学数学系教授。1987-1990年在科大数学系任教,在此期间师从冯克勤教授和陆洪文教授学习数论知识,并由此出发于1991年春赴马里兰大学攻读博士学位。博士毕业后先后在普林斯顿高等研究院和密歇根大学任博士后、纽约州立大学石溪分校任副教授,1999年起在威斯康星大学工作至今。杨同海教授1999年荣获美国数学学会 Centennial Fellowship,2007年获得国家自然科学基金杰青B类,2018年当选为美国数学学会会士。数学之外,他与胡寄宁先生共同创立“宁国市中美爱心基金”,目前每年资助约1400名农村贫困学生继续学业。