8.16【Galina Perelman 】Two soliton collision for nonlinear Schrodinger equations in dimension


报告人:Galina Perelman (巴黎第十二大学)



I am going to consider the problem of collision of two stable solitons for the nonlinear Schrodinger equation $i/psi_t=-/psi_{xx}+F(|/psi|^2)/psi,/ F(/xi)=-2/xi+0(/xi^2)$ as $/xi/to 0$, in the case where one soliton is small with respect to the other, and to show that in general the two soliton structure is not preserved after the collision: while the large soliton survives, the small one splits into two outgoing waves that for sufficiently long times can be controlled by the cubic NLS: $i/psi_t=-/psi_{xx}=-2|/psi|^2/psi$.