03-24【沈大立】Kaehler cone-manifolds associated with a projective arrangement


报告人:沈大立(Tata Institute of Fundamental Research)

时间:2022年3月24日 16:00

地点:腾讯会议号: 740-871-646,密码:0324

Given a hyperplane arrangement of some type in a projective space, the Dunkl system, developed by Couwenberg, Heckman and Looijenga, is used to study the geometric structures on its complement, and as a consequence it leads to the discovery of new ball quotients when the so-called Schwarz conditions are imposed. In this talk, I will show that the space, investigated in this system, is still of a particular type of structure, namely, the structure of a cone-manifold, when there is no Schwarz conditions imposed. I will illustrate this theory by discussing the one-dimensional example, which originates from the classical hypergeometric system.

More details please visit: http://staff.ustc.edu.cn/~nanbei0104/